Budhdha said “the cause of all sorrow is desire”. How true. Lot of people realize this fact, but not before they have been through an ocean of sorrow. People tend to have emotional attachment with other buddies. And this emotional attachment is followed by expectations and the so-called desire. We feel that we have a right over some other person, just because we like him, or because we are emotionally attached to him. We tend to build castles in our mind, and correlate many wishes. We even dream of those desires. This feeling that since we are related to some person, or since we love some person, we have a right over him, generates expectations. In the unexplored corners of our subtle mind, we start nurturing varied dreams. Our minds are carnal to the core. They are like free stallions that have just broken their tethers. The mind keeps roaming freely, and since it rules over our senses, we tend to develop attachments with things that are known to us. This leads to desire. meaning hereby, that to have desire is natural as it is a common trait of all the living beings. Even trees bend towards the sun. every animal cares for its progenies. Desire may also arise from need. A beggar asking for a penny desires that people passing by would drop a penny in his hat. That’s a need, but there again, deep inside his heart, he keeps wishing that the person in front would have a soft heart, and that he would be kind enough to understand the beggar’s needs. This is expectation. He expects a sort of inclination towards him. A girl in love with a boy keeps nurturing many small wishes. She expects her man to be there with her in her treasured moments and also, at times of pain. She expects him to care for her.
That is to say, that desires and expectations are natural phenomena. They originate in our mind and engross our thoughts. Thus its not easy to control our desires, though its not impossible either.
Coming over to the effect of desires, they create a sense of longing. If the wishes are met, we tend to become happy and if they are not fulfilled, either the longing grows, or we land in a state of utter sorrow. Thus desire leads to delight and dismay. The beggar feels awed if a passer-by avoids him. The girl weeps when in her own shell, just because her lover said once that they were just friends. So, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that all pleasure and pain are our own creation. This statement can be concluded from the following facts:
Its we who have expectations and desires.
Its destiny which decides whether the desires are to be met or not.
If they are met, we become happy; and if they are not fulfilled, we become sad.
Thus, it is we who decide our happiness. The secret lies in controlling our desires. We should keep working without having slightest desire of the end-result. Have the aim in mind, work tenaciously towards achieving that aim, but do not attach emotions and sentiments with it. Work like a self programmable robot, who is capable enough to think about its courses and actions, and who then keeps working, no matter how tough the job is. The robot doesn’t become happy when it gains its objective, neither does it get sad when it cant do the job. But it does put in the best effort towards the aim. That creates an ideal that we should follow.
Its said in Geeta, that we should act the same, in pleasures and pain, in losses and gain. That we should be one in response to all kinds of ailments and ecstasies. It would going a step further if I say that inspite of acting the same in all kinds of situations, we should not let such kind of situations arise. The pleasure wouldn’t be there if I don’t get attached with the job. Similarly, pain will only come if desire is there.
So, the essence lies in controlling the desires. Let us be like a guest here, feeling nothing to be ours. Well aware of our duties and responsibilities, we should be consistently working towards the goal. But working just like a robot. No desires, no expectations, no longing, just work; work for the heck of working and nothing else. That the ideal way, do your duties without getting involved in them. Feel yourself as an individual, not as a relative to somebody. Respect the relations, but don’t get attached to them. Have it known to your inner conscience that no one on this earth is yours, and that you owe a duty towards all the individuals. Agreed that there are some people closer than others, but you should get to think beyond these shelled perspectives. Know your duty towards all the people around you, and keep working.
1 comment:
The fastest traveling thing in this world is mind. So it is very difficult to control desiring. In fact attachment is not good is true when you are attached to temporary things (my land, my friends, my country, my wealth, I). When attachment is with permanent(eternal-God), then it is the cause of bliss, not sorrow.
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